Grief demands an answer, but sometimes ................

Grief demands an answer, but sometimes there isn't one." I was watching House of Cards when a character said those words. It was Friday night, May5th. just another day as usual and I had decided to enjoy my evening off by marathoning some of Frank Underwood's devious dealings with a French press of Dominican coffee, chocolate chip cookies, and a pint of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked. Living on the edge. Grief demands an answer. The words made me pause; they landed not too far from some truth in my life. Not because it was a nice summer evening, and there I was by myself. Ironically, despite the saturation of red-themed everything or the flood of romantic tributes on social media, of how folks of my age be living on their days off I've felt no ill will toward any holiday at any point. It doesn't matter to me what the origin of the day is or how commercialized or overplayed it is--I like it by myself. I like it how each evening spent in solitude presents me with...