The NON VERBAL Idea Of the Self

In accordance with the Ted talk presented by Miss Amy Cuddy 0n "How non verbal gestures impact our own thought processes  "  , each of us would not be able to deny the observed yet not really recognized fact that the non verbal gestures plays a evident role in our  lives  as it does not only impact ones self presentation in the eyes of the of the world , but it also does control how we feel and think about our own self .   This undoubtedly  impacts the way we evaluate  and attract objects , situations  and people "we think " we deserve . Our self evaluation of ourselves as " capable or incapable " , " Worthy or non- worthy " , " smart or not really a bright star ", " deserving or undeserving " , " powerful or powerless "wise or maybe an average thinker " at a higher level decides on what we choose for ourselves in the form of what we call it our " decisions ", which are purely based and biased mostly  because of our our pre assumed ideas of what we are and what we can or cannot do , achieve or deserve and it is clearly visible in our behaviour in our  day to day lives both verbally and non verbally, if closely observed .

The presenter has wonderfully put it on our plate by describing it clearly how far a sitting position or a  hand gesture , the way we cross our feet or the way one smiles or fold our hands gives an approximate yet a solid idea of how confident an individual is to a observer . All though that the facts stay that none can be perfect , but there is  a worldly idea of " perfection " that surely does persist . It can be a lot of pressure or nervousness within and on the inside one can be tossed upside down like a small sail ship stuck in the storm in the middle of the sea , but with a bright smile and a straight upright posture and with a slight  of self confidence in command , all served together can create an " wordy assumed image of " - an upfront confident individual  and it definitely does save a lot of " all most lost " battles .

There maybe be saviour wounds on their chest , but the high spirits of the soldiers gave us the definition of " being brave ", there may be rare chances of a patient's survival but a physician's " if this doesn't work out we can still go for one more surgery " defines what we call " hope " . Amidst a mechanical  engine failure  with highly unfavourable crosswinds at a real high altitude and a limited fuel supply , a captain defines " trust in skills "  when the announcement says -" Please fasten your seat belts and  stay clam , It is true that we have encountered an unexpected emergency with this aircraft  yet we have it all worked out and under control , we assure  land safe and secure landing  ladies and gentleman . " , A common link that connects all the above stated  examples is that all of them knew the importance of laying a bit of pre confidence in oneself in order to be able to face the odds or to describe it more simply as  what we call it as " fake it till you make it " - a major driving force that explains that success of the  majority outcomes  in here .

In a nutshell , the takeaway from the beautiful 20 minutes long Ted talk was a  great behind the curtain message  which if put up in simpler words would be " before the world it is YOU who judges YOURSELF , before the crowd it is YOU whose actions both conscious and subconscious put together that decides on what YOU imagine , carve , create and attract towards YOURSELF .
So watch out on what you - Look , Like and Let yourself believe and practice .

- Prachi Kamleshkumar Patel


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